Nothing kills happiness like going back to school . In fact, if you could simply continue the shenanigans of your endless summer , life might actually be worth living. Too bad you’re knee-deep in student loan debt , though to give up now would basically be like taking a swim in quicksand.
Instead of giving up, give in. Allow yourself to be consumed by the existential dread that you’ll eventually be a corporate pawn…just like your parents. Luckily, you’re not there quite yet, but because you will be soon enough, these GIFs will accurately depict the nightmare that’s going back to school.
Cover Photo: SDI Productions (Getty Images)
Back To School Dread
Holding Onto Yesterday
Say au revoir to the endless free time and fun of summer vacation. It's time get your head back in the game. Like, right after you drag your butt back to school.
Parental Units
There comes a time in every student's life where they realize school is happening because their parents want results. Godspeed if this is you.
Reminiscing About Freedom
As you get older, you'll realize that having the freedom to do whatever you want is a luxury you never truly enjoyed enough.
Prepare to Get Dragged
You might say they'll drag your cold dead body back to school as a joke. But seriously, they will, because you have to graduate to make the money to pay back the student loans that will haunt you forevermore.
Syllabus to the Face
Even if you're excited to go back to school, once you get your syllabi, it's going to feel like you decided to get into the boxing ring with Mike Tyson.
The Cycle of Abuse
You love learning and learning loves you, or does it? It certainly feels like an abusive relationship where you want to love learning, except for the fact that it takes up all your free time and makes you wish you just took a ditch-digging job.
The First-Day Blues
Even if you're excited to see all your friends and get back into the groove, once you're at school, reality hits. You're going to be a prisoner until winter break. Sigh.
Wake-Up Call
Before the semester breaks your spirit entirely, you go to class feeling like The Hulk. Nothing can stop you from having fun...except that kegger that'll leave you with a week-long hangover.
The Loop
You're getting back into the groove of things. That is, until the groove of things gets you.
School-Induced Depression
Just cry it out and try not to be so loud you bother your new roommate.
Hang In There
And just when you think it can't get any worse, things start to fall into place. You see your friends, you enjoy some parties, and then you forget you have a "probable" pop quiz and fail it entirely.