It should be simple. On Halloween , kids get candy . But some adults have different ideas, and not all of them are sweet . Whether it’s unusual food items or completely inedible hard goods, some houses hand out completely inappropriate “treats” that boggle the mind and upset the stomach. We did our own loop through the neighborhood that is the internet to find out what the worst and weirdest things trick-or-treaters have received on Halloween. Some may sound familiar, and others will certainly shock you. Here’s hoping you, or the trick-or-treaters you love, never hit one of these houses.
Cover Photo: mrjo2405 (Getty Images)
Weird Halloween Treats
9-Volt Batteries
We know what kids are going to do with these, and it ain't replace the batteries in the smoke detector.
Ketchup Packets
There's only one way this can end.
Canned Vegetables
Unless the kid is named Popeye, this is going to be a major disappointment. At least hand out can openers if you go this route.
Sliced Cheese
Well, this is one way to balance out all that sugar with some protein.
Roast Chicken
This seems like an expensive (and unsanitary) way to go, but you do you, chicken lovers.
Tide Pods
Have we not learned our lesson on these yet? At least kids' internal organs will be squeaky clean.
From MDMA to acid to meth, there's a long history of drugs ending up in the hands of children on Halloween. Our only question is: why in the world would you give your drugs away for free?
We don't even want to know where these are going to get inserted.
Flavored Lube (And an Invitation to a Dildo Party)
To be fair to the weirdo who handed this stuff out, they meant it for the kids' moms. Let's hope they spit, not swallow.
Play Doh
The sad part is that kids will eat anything, even flavorless globs.
Your intentions were pure, homeowner doling out Bibles, but the audience was all wrong. Do you know how much sex and murder there is in the Good Book?!
Pocket Constitutions
Can we all agree that reading material is not meant for Halloween? At least this would put 'em all to sleep.
Spare Change
Children are not change machines! But they sure will seem like they are when they all end up in the E.R. with nickles up their noses.
Cough Drops
Repeat after us, grandma: cough drops are not candy!
This one almost makes sense, but no kid wants to be reminded of cavities before they've indulged in their candy.