When it comes to getting high on cannabis, are you more of a blunt person or do you prefer the freedom of vaping ? Perhaps, you’re more of a bong person. You might not think it matters how you consume the THC that gets you high, but you’re wrong. So, so wrong. How you smoke says just as much about who you are as what you smoke. And you can find out what your favorite method for smoking cannabis says about you if you just keep reading.
Photo: PeopleImages (Getty Images)
how you smoke weed what it says
You're the kind of stoner who silently judges others for not returning their grocery cart to the appropriate place.
You read the directions before attempting to assemble something, but before you do that, you obviously smoke a joint.
You end sentences by saying "fam" to people who are not your fam while avoiding your actual family.
You audibly and brazenly fart in public and treat anyone who reacts like they're the insane one.
Water Pipe
You throw money at pointless trends that become irrelevant faster than you can pay off your credit card bill.
DIY Cannabis Rig
Your rent is always late even though you still live with your parents.
You believe perfection is a real thing so you can be conned by almost anyone.
You're the 1 percent of people who use 7-11's points system. Whenever anyone tries to mock you, you enjoy your free Slurpee.