We love Halloween so much that we celebrate the spooky holiday for the entire month of October. That’s 31 days of candy, costumes, and of course scary movies. When it comes to Halloween hierarchy, we love the movies the best. While we love horror movies, the only thing that can make a spooky movie marathon better is by pairing it with the proper sweet treats.
Since we don’t want you to get hungry during your marathon, we decided to make a guide to pairing the best treats with your favorite eerie movies. Check them all out below.
Photo: Columbia Pictures
Pairing Treats With Halloween Movies
'ET' (Reese's Pieces)
Technically ET isn’t a scary movie. Although, the story of a Reese’s Pieces-loving alien that crash-lands on earth definitely disturbed us as children. Especially the scene when ET and Elliott get drunk on beer. Have a beer (or two) yourself and pair it with Reese’s Pieces.
'Ghostbusters' (S'mores)
This one is a no-brainer. Sure, you could literally just eat marshmallows in homage to the giant Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man that lumbers around New York. Or, you can do one better by making chocolatey, gooey s’mores.
'It Chapter 2' (Fortune Cookies)
If you’ve seen It Chapter 2 you probably didn’t forget about the creepy scene early in the film when the “losers club” is sitting around a table at a Chinese restaurant about to eat fortune cookies. Unsurprisingly, It uses the cookies to mock the remaining members about the untimely death of Stanley. Crack open a few fortune cookies while you watch and don’t worry about any eyeballs creeping out of them.
'Killer Klowns from Outer Space' (Cotton Candy)
There are a ton of references to cotton candy in the cult horror movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space . This includes cotton candy cocoons where the titular “Klowns” keep their victims in their spaceship. What better snack to eat while watching this campy, silly movie than pink-hued cotton candy.
'Rocky Horror Picture Show' (Wax Lips)
We’re not sure you’re technically supposed to eat wax lips after wearing them. But, we always munched on them when we were done wearing them. If you don’t have extra lingerie laying around to complete your Frank N. Furter costume, wax lips will do.
'Scream' (Jiffy Pop)
Over the years, Scream has become a go-to scary movie every Halloween. If you’ve seen it, you know the movie begins with a young woman (played by Drew Barrymore) making Jiffy Pop when her phone rings. This begins one of the most iconic, brutal scenes in movie history. If you make Jiffy Pop and your phone rings, don’t answer it.
'The Shining' (Wax Bottles)
One of the most important scenes in The Shining is when Jack Torrance tells the ghostly bartender Lloyd to slip him “a bottle of bourbon, a little glass, and some ice.” Instead of drinking your own bottle of bourbon, enjoy a classic wax bottle candy instead.
'Thinner' (Strawberry Candy)
Thinner is the film adaptation of a Stephen King novel about a man who’s cursed by a gypsy man for getting away with running over his daughter. The curse involves the obese man wasting away. They remove the curse and the man puts it into a strawberry pie in an effort to give it to his wife. Feel free to eat strawberry pie as you watch this movie, but we’re much more comfortable eating strawberry candy.